
Rocky’s Viewpoint

Rockys Viewpoint

A blog for people who treat their dogs better than family

leash reactive dog staring

Leash aggression or leash reactivity as it’s also called is a behavior problem where the dog acts aggressively on leash toward other dogs, other animals, and sometimes people. I am intimately familiar with leash reactivity because Yankee exhibits this behavior (as did Rocky). He is fine off leash with most dogs, but when out walking, if he spots another dog, he initially starts by lying down, but then as the other dog gets close to us, he lunges.

Does your dog become agitated when you prepare to leave for the day? When you come home at night, does your dog seemed stressed out? Is he exhibiting symptoms like excessive barking, salivating, urinating in the house, barking, destroying items, and more while you’re away? If so, your dog may have separation anxiety.

I read an interesting article in the Orlando Sentinel the other day that talked about a new study that shows that your dog is very good at discriminating happy faces from angry ones.

Category: Industry News

We’re often asked if we use life jackets during our dog hydrotherapy sessions at Rocky’s Retreat. The answer is no. Why? As you will see in this short video snippet, dogs often won’t move their back legs when swimming.

Category: Hydrotherapy

Many people set New Year’s resolutions for themselves because they want to make changes in their lives, but they often forget about their dog. The New Year can be a great time to change things up especially for dogs who may have become bored with their routine. Of all the dog related resolutions we’ve heard…

Category: Fun, Health Management

With the holidays here, many people think of bringing that cute puppy home as a Christmas gift. The kids think they want a puppy, so what better gift can you give them? Before you do this, stop and think, and continue reading!

Category: Puppies
Boarding dog napping at Rocky's Retreat

The holiday travel season is coming up and many people will find themselves in need of a boarding facility for their dog. Does this sound like you? If so, do you want to make sure you choose the right home away from home for your dog but don’t know how? Cost aside, check out these six tips to make sure you select the best facility for your beloved friend.

Category: Boarding

Does your dog give you “that look” or growl at you when he has his favorite toy and you try to take it away? What about when your other dog gets near his food bowl? If so, your dog is doing what is called “resource guarding.” According to animal behaviorist Patricia McConnell, PhD, CAAB, resource guarding is a behavior that discourages another to take, or get too close to an object or valued area in a dog’s possession.

Photo of daycare dogs resting at Rocky's Retreat

Do you work long hours and worry about leaving your precious four-legged friend home all day? If so, you may have thought about enrolling him in a doggie daycare program so he can get some exercise, meet new friends, and socialize. But how do you know if your dog will truly enjoy himself and get the benefits you hope?

Category: Daycare
Eddie swimming in the pool

As we have often said, we use ozone to sanitize the water in our indoor pool. Why is that? Because chlorine is toxic, it’s a poison that kills things like e. coli and giardia. In a pool you need something to kill bacteria and other germs and chlorine is the most popular choice because it’s inexpensive. Unfortunately, because it’s toxic, it has actually been linked to serious health problems in humans because it absorbs quickly through the skin.

Category: Industry News, Safety